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Technology Transformation program
CEO 4.0
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Emirati women’s day
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Technology Transformation program
Cisco Middle East - Champions 4.0 Network
Shukri Eid, Managing Director for the Gulf Region at Cisco Middle East, shares insights on Cisco’s partnership with Industry 4.0: Champions 4.0 Network, which aims to accelerate adoption of 4IR solutions and applications across UAE’s industrial sector
Technology Transformation program
Champions 4.0: Microsoft
MoIAT in collaboration with Microsoft organized a webinar, as part of the Champions 4.0 Network. The webinar aimed to showcase Microsoft’s Manufacturing core, utilizing 4IR technologies to transform manufacturing processes
Technology Transformation program
Champions 4.0 Netwrok: Ericsson
As part of MoIAT's Champions 4.0 Network collaboration with Ericsson, a joint panel discussion and workshop on Industry 4.0 was held at Swedish Pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai. The conversation revolved around drivers of digital transformation in various industries.
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