ENAS Guideline for the Transition to the updated edition of the ISO 15189:2022 - Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality and competence

Following ENAS earlier circular on12 December 2022, regarding the publication of the revised ISO 15189:2022 “Medical Laboratories – Requirements for quality and competence”, kindly note ENAS Timeline for the Transition of its accredited medical laboratories to the new edition of the Standard (Link).

Kindly proceed to start the gap analysis and implementation of ISO15189:2022 requirements as per the timeline and using the form sent by ENAS PM “ENAS Checklist for the Transition”. ENAS accredited medical lab’s that will be in compliance with the new edition of the standard will be evaluated during the onsite assessments starting from January 2024.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact ENAS Program Manager.

*Note: ISO 15189:2022 Standard is available for purchase through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) website: ISO - ISO 15189:2022 - Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality and competence