UAE Mandatory regulation for Electronic Nicotine Products
To enhance efforts to combat smoking and diseases in the UAE, the Council of Ministers adopted the mandatory standard UAE.S 5030: Electronic Nicotine Products is a mandatory UAE standard applied by the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) earlier in a government endeavor. To support the State's efforts in curbing smoking and combating diseases, and to prevent the spread of electronic cigarettes and analog products in the markets and outlets in the country.
ESMA works hard by developing standards and technical regulations to achieve the goals of the National Agenda 2021, and establishing to complete the future development process in the UAE in line with the UAE 2071. Based on global best practices in this context, such as the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, European legislation and the British Standard, as well as UAE Federal Law No. 15 of 2009 Tobacco control.
The development of the standards sector plays an important role in line with the Authority's objectives of providing health and safety protection to the consumer and the environment. With the aim of issuing this standard, we aim to stop the random circulation of these products without restrictions or controls. Also avoid the lack of knowledge of the ingredients used in the product sometimes because of the possibility of mixing some of the banned additives, which poses a threat to public health in the community.
Mohamed Osman
Executive Journalist Editor
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